Rae Senarighi is your average non-binary cancer survivor inspiring self-compassion, activism and gender resilience via unapologetic portraiture of vibrant transgender and non-binary power and spreading joyful presentations and meditations worldwide.

Rae is a champion of storytelling through art, as a fine artist, designer and muralist, an activist, cancer survivor and pursuing accurate and celebratory representation of the trans community. Rae currently resides in Madison, WI, but he makes a lasting impact throughout the world. His art can be seen internationally and is featured in a wide range of outlets from Art Voices magazine to DNA India.

Rae’s dream is to celebrate accurate representation of trans and nonbinary people through painted portraiture worldwide. His mission of self-acceptance and love shows in his work through vibrant portraits reflecting celebration and beauty. With vivid and bold colors these portraits radiate the brilliance of the individuals and celebrate accepting and loving one’s self. Rae’s trust in himself is vital to him in his journey of understanding and accepting his own identity, reminding all of us to not only love ourselves, but to celebrate and lift up one’s community.

Netflix and GLAAD invited Rae to celebrate authentic, accurate portrayals of trans characters in media through a series of paintings. He's also partnered with the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference and Washington Healthcare for All to support healthcare for the transgender community.


“I felt that Rae showed our community that we are stronger than the hate and sorrow that we see everyday on our newsfeeds and our social media.”

Amy Doty, Owner, Frame of Mind Art Gallery